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Customer Testimonials

"One day I realized that owning a few classic and timeless pieces of jewelry are more important than having a ton of cheap jewelry and I can tell you that the pieces I bought from Vanessa (VLM Jewelry) are part of my cherished collection. I reach out to them all the time and I know I'll keep them forever!!"
- Marion G.


Customer Testimonials VLM Jewelry Designer Jewelry Handmade in Los Angeles California

"Vanessa’s work is so beautiful. I love my new Mini Bar Studs so much! I’m trending to small earrings now and these are the perfect size, but much more interesting than a simple stud. They coordinate perfectly back to my Baton Necklace I wear often and I always receive lots of compliments!"

- Libby C.


"This was such a great experience dealing with Vanessa (VLM Jewelry) and receiving my gorgeous necklace that looked even better in person. It was wrapped beautifully and that felt so special. I just love the design and craftsmanship and you know you are getting a quality piece of jewelry. Vanessa is so personable and responsive so I felt very comfortable making this purchase. I love wearing this unique and very cool piece of jewelry."
-Antoinette U.


"Beautiful rings! The shop owner was awesome to work with too."
-Renee G.


"My daughter fell in love with your jewelry! The pieces are so unique, I haven’t seen anything like them. You made
everything so easy, and even gift wrapped, so it was a pleasant surprise! Would definitely purchase from you again."
-Miyoko H. 


"So sleek and stylish! I love the texture and movement on these earrings.

They are anything but ordinary which is why I was so drawn to them."

- Cybil P.


"Stunning ring! Such a unique design and extraordinary craftsmanship.
Looking forward to purchasing more in the future!"
- Sinar L.


"LOVE this necklace! It's become my wardrobe staple and I wear it every day.
Perfect for layering with my shorter necklaces."
- Katie S.


"Perfect everyday earring! I've received so many compliments and I LOVE them so much I haven't taken them off!"
- Mimi W.